Remember - only provide information about your idea or venture which is either already in the public domain or which you are happy to share!

If you have any questions - just ask!
Ask us a question
* Mandatory fields

Your name is required.
Please provide a valid email address.
Please provide a name for your idea.
Please provide a valid URL including http://
Please provide a brief description of your business.
Please provide a brief explanation of what you would like to do with Crocs and how it might work.
Please complete this field.
Please let us know where you are.
Please let us know where you are.
Please enter a valid year (e.g. 2010).
  • Please enter a valid URL including http://

Please upload a PDF pitch deck. If you are unable to provide a pitch deck right now, you can opt to send one later.

 Please upload a pitch deck or check the box to send one later
PDF Guidelines
  • 20Mb maximum file size
  • pdf format

Please provide a brief video in which you explain your idea/venture. If you are unable to provide a video right now, you can opt to send one later.

 Please upload a video or check the box to send one later
Video Guidelines
  • We don’t need professional quality – just use your webcam or phone
  • Introduce yourself and your idea / venture
  • No more than 2 minutes long
  • 200Mb maximum file size
  • mp4 format
  • View an example video