We offer start-ups and ventures the opportunity to develop products or solutions with Crocs and potentially get access to new markets, customer relationships and revenues for successful collaborations

Open innovation is a paradigm that assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as the firms look to advance their technology”

Henry Chesbrough

Is Crocs Hub only for start-ups?

Crocs Hub welcomes start-ups, scale-ups, ventures and long-established businesses to connect with us.

We have two products/solutions. Can we submit two applications?

Yes. You can submit them both.

Do you only collaborate with start-ups that write software?

No, we'll consider businesses in any field.

Will you sign an NDA? How do I know you won’t steal my idea?

No, we won't sign an NDA at this stage. We ask that you do not disclose any confidential information in your application. Only provide information about your business which is either already in the public domain or which you are happy to share. If your application is successful and we invite you to collaborate, we’ll discuss terms and IP rights with you at that point.

I’m developing a new solution. Can I meet with you?

Unfortunately, we can't meet in person with every applicant – especially at present. The application process is the best way to connect.

What if we’re doing something expensive?

That’s OK, we'll still consider your application! The connection goal may then focus on an initial proof of concept.

We don’t really need investment. Does it still make sense to apply?

Many of the start-ups and ventures who apply don't need investment. The real value comes in being able to gain access to customers and markets and collaborating directly with one of the world’s biggest brands.

Do we need to write a business plan?

We make decisions based on our application form and encourage you to upload your pitch deck and/or video content there.

I have a great idea, but I’m not technical. Will you still connect with me? Can you help me find programmers to implement my idea?

No, the Crocs Hub is for established start-ups, ventures or existing companies with an existing product or solution, either as a working prototype or already in-market. We do encourage you to find others to work with to get your idea going!

We’ve already been working on our start-up / scale-up or business for a while. Is this appropriate for us?

Yes, it is.

Do you accept applications from anywhere in the world?

Yes, we do. Previous applicants have come from across the globe.

What would a connection look like?

We would expect you to deliver a product or proof of concept for the key elements of your proposition. This may be in the form of a prototype or demonstration, a product, process, software, or hardware. The aim is to prove that your solution and Crocs can work together to achieve great outcomes for customers or the business.

I don’t have a start-up, I’ve just got an idea… is this appropriate for me?

No, we are looking for implementable solutions at this point. However, we do love great ideas and encourage you take your idea and turn it into a new product or venture.

I’ve not heard of this before, who is behind it?

Crocs Hub is brought to you by Crocs, working with the venture development firm, Venturebright.

We’ve already taken some funding. Can we still apply?

Sure. You may have had funding to get you where you are today, but our focus is on successful connections with Crocs.

We don’t want to connect, but will you give us advice?

Unfortunately, we can't provide ad hoc advice, working with the applicants coming through the process takes up all our time. If your product or solution fits one of the areas of interest or one of the current challenges on the site, please apply and if your application gets taken forward, advice is part of the package.